Patient consented to share data and testimonial video for teaching purposes.
"A 69-year-old female, an ex-smoker with oxygen-dependent very severe emphysema.
Pulmonary function test (PFT) results: FVC 2.29 L (74% predicted), FEV1 0.61 L (25% predicted), FEV1/FVC 27%, TLC 8.05 L (150% predicted), RV 6.31 L (270% predicted), and DLCO 10.24 mL/min/mmHg (51% predicted)."

CXR post ELVRÂ (using the Spiration Valve System).

CT pre ELVR showing predominant upper lobes emphysema.

CT post ELVR showing complete right upper lobe atelectasis with cranial displacement of the diaphragm.

There was immediate improvement in symptoms.
PFT post ELVR to follow.
Educational video:
The author has nothing to disclose.